Today I Learned

A collection of things I learn every day

TIL: 😅 26th June 2024

I liked the movie The Boondock Saints when it came out but never knew the term boondock was an actual slang term. Definition from quora goes something like this: "In the context of RVing, boondocking is sometimes used interchangeably with terms like "dry camping" or "dispersed camping,"

TIL: 🤯 24th June 2024

You can find code for a browser extension by looking at the path ~/Library/Application Support/Google/Chrome/<Profile N>/Extensions on OSX. A simple bash command to find the path is:

latest_plugin=$(find "$CHROME_EXTENSIONS_DIR" -maxdepth 1 -type d ! -name "*Temp" ! -name "*Extensions" -exec stat -f '%B %N' {} + | sort -nr | tail -n 1 | cut -d' ' -f2-)

TIL: 😅 19th June 2024

I use fish shell so interpolation of commands is different but you don't need to use your default shell, you can pass it into the shell that works. A quick way to grab and triage recent screenshots from your desktop is by using the command line:

zsh -c "find ~/Desktop -maxdepth 1 -type f -name \"<regex| eg *.png>\" -mtime -<days-ago|eg 2> -exec mv {} ~/Pictures/Screenshots \;"

TIL: 😅 16th June 2024

Converting build from webpack to vite is tricky because some loaders are not supported, and the structure is not one to one translatable. Tried it with wasm from here and the build config for vite is as follows:

import { defineConfig } from "vite";
import wasm from "vite-plugin-wasm";

export default defineConfig({
    plugins: [
    root: "<root-of-js-loader>",
    build: {
        target: "esnext"

TIL: 🤯 11th June 2024

11th June 2024 In order to send keys from lua to nvim you need to use the following nested syntax, and if you want to separate it into a function:

_G.send_keys = function(keys)
    vim.api.nvim_feedkeys(vim.api.nvim_replace_termcodes(keys, true, true, true), 'n', true)

TIL: 😅 9th June 2024

You can run a git add -N example.txt to allow you to perform stage hunks in the file even if it is a new file in the repo, ie via git add -p example.txt.

TIL: 😅 5th June 2024

I have been somewhat misusing 🤔 "It's turtles all the way down" probably. The new context I have learned about is that of a nonsensical circular logic argument that does not rely on a root supporting objectively accepted fact.

TIL: 😅 3rd June 2024

You can create arbitrarily sized files from the cli using one of the following commands

# create a 1GB file
dd if=/dev/zero of=1GBfile bs=1M count=1024

# create a 1GB file
head -c 1G /dev/urandom > 1GBfile.txt

# create a 1GB file
truncate -s 1G 1GBfile

TIL: 🤔 2nd June 2024

There is a new OSS library called ScrapeGraphAI that aims to combine scraping with graph logic to transform natural language into scrapers, wodnering how this will work out in the long run.

TIL: 1st June 2024

There is a submodule in the go standard library that allows you to do logging so it is not necessary to use logrus for logging.

TIL :mind_blown: 30th March 2024

You can run chromedriver from the command line for trying to access it via cdp protocol programatically.

# on OSX by default this does not work, developer not verified
chromedriver --port=9222

# OSX prior to running that
cd /path/to/chromedriver
xattr -d chromedriver

TIL 😅 29th May 2024

Rust zola static site builder contains in the page object a reading time field that can be used to display the reading time of the page. You can use it in the template like this

{{ page.reading_time }}

TIL 😅 29th May 2024

In order to use shortcodes in Zola templates you need to import them using include directive in the template file.

{% include "shortcodes/shortcode.html" %}

TIL 😅 28th May 2024

You can figure out number of commits today in git using a simple one liner

git log --since=midnight --oneline | wc -l

TIL 😅 27th May 2024

The go-spew package has been active last more than 7 years ago. You can use the litter package instead. But no point in using it, just use json.MarshalIndent to print the struct in a readable format, or alternatively use fmt.Printf("%#v", struct) to print the struct in a readable format.

    fmt.Printf("%#v", targets)
    // or
    jsonStr, _ := json.MarshalIndent(targets, "", "  ")

TIL 😅 25th May 2024

Anchor estimates are what you do when you try to shoehorn personal experience into estimating a future task. It is very error prone.

TIL 😅 11th March 2024

When you load svg icons from a svg sprite, you can use the use tag to reference the icon by its id. However if the url you use to access the page is not the one that is used internally, you will get a Cross-Origin error. Came across this with my zola blog, and it seemed to work intermittently, but I couldn't figure out why.

TIL 😅 10th March 2024

Creating tensors is easy, just use numpy and torch.tensor to do it

import torch
import numpy as np

a = [1, 2, 3]
c = torch.tensor(np.array(a)) #  c is a tensor

TIL 🤯 9th March 2024

If you intend to create a vector based search engine, searching a database of assets will give you identical results if you are looking for similarity. If you want to have similarity search but at the same time look for diverse results you can use max_marginal_relevance_search, this is available in langchain, and it is bound to the vector store.